Is it still safe to eat tuna?

Mercury Levels (पारा स्तर): Tuna, especially larger species like albacore, can contain high levels of mercury, which may be harmful if consumed in excess.

Regulated Fishing Practices (नियंत्रित मछली पकड़ने की प्रथाएँ): Many countries have regulations in place to ensure sustainable and safe tuna fishing practices.

Health Risks (स्वास्थ्य जोखिम): Eating tuna in moderation is generally safe, but overconsumption can lead to mercury poisoning, affecting the nervous system.

Variety of Tuna (टूना की किस्में): Different types of tuna, like skipjack, generally have lower mercury levels compared to larger species like bluefin.

Recommended Consumption (सुझाए गए सेवन): Health experts recommend limiting tuna consumption to 2-3 servings per week to avoid mercury buildup.

Canned Tuna Safety (कैन की गई टूना की सुरक्षा): Canned tuna is considered safe for most people, but pregnant women and young children should be cautious.

Environmental Impact (पर्यावरणीय प्रभाव): Overfishing of tuna is a concern, and choosing sustainably caught tuna helps reduce the impact on marine ecosystems.